Terms & Conditions for Resellers

July 2024

Pricing Terms and conditions related to selling of Cat Candy’s Nutri Lick (Nutri Lick) are as follows:

  1. Nutri Lick Box: Ceiling and Floor Prices
    1. Retail price for end-customer for 1 box of Nutri Lick is:
Semenanjung Price
Ceiling Price (maximum) RM72
Floor Price (minimum) RM69
Sabah & Sarawak Price
Ceiling Price (maximum) RM76
Floor Price (minimum) RM73
  1. Nutri Lick Sachet: Ceiling and Floor Prices
    1. Retail price for end-customer for 1 sachet of Nutri Lick is:
Semenanjung  Price
Ceiling Price (maximum) RM2.20
Floor Price (minimum) RM2.00
Sabah & Sarawak Harga
Ceiling Price (maximum) RM2.30
Floor Price (minimum) RM2.00
  1. Promotional Initiatives:
    1. Any offer of a discount voucher or rebate (DVR) targeted to only Nutri Lick is allowed as long as the selling price after deducting the DVR value is not below the floor price.
    2. Any promotion requiring prices below the floor price both offline and online must be discussed and approved by Furvit Pet Industries Sdn Bhd.
    3. Promotional gifts are allowed, but not more than 3 free sachets per box.
    4. Giving away free boxes of Nutri Lick as gifts is prohibited.
  2. Categories of DVR:
    1. Shop DVR:
      1. Applies to the entire shop which may result in prices going down below the floor price.
      2. Allowed for shops with at least 3 products, with the DVR applying to all items.
      3. Example: “A DVR that gave a RM2 coupon on all the items sold within the shop.”
    2. Targeted DVR:
      1. Applies to specific items in the shop.
      2. Allowed usage of DVR but cannot result in selling prices going down below the floor price.
      3. Example: “A DVR that is only usable for 2 items out of the total 10 items in the seller’s shop.”
      4. Example not allowed: “Only Nutri Lick and Royal Canine’s Hair & Skin are selected for a RM12 voucher/discount that resulted in Nutri Lick final selling price at RM57, while other products in the shop are not selected.”
    3. E-commerce Platform DVR:
      1. Provided by e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, and TikTok.
      2. Applies to eligible items determined by the platform whether in the form of shop discount or targeted discount.
      3. Resellers have no control over these discounts, and this is allowed even if the net selling price falls below the floor price.
      4. Example: “A 50% or RM35 off discount voucher provided by the platform that can be used on any eligible product determined by the platform.”
  3. E-commerce Platforms:
    1. General Terms:
      1. Resellers on platforms like Shopee, Lazada, TikTok, etc., must follow the pricing terms mentioned above for the base display price to ensure consistent pricing across all sales channels.
    2. TikTok Shop:
      1. TikTok Live sessions that provide targeted DVR, are allowed to provide Seller’s Voucher or Flash Sales or TikTok Live vouchers that resulted in prices below the floor price (Maximum discount of 3% discount from Nutri Lick floor price). To incentivize reseller who conduct engaging TikTok Live sessions while promoting Nutri Lick.
      2. Resellers must ensure that promotional activities such as Flash Sales that fall under targeted DVR, outside of TikTok Live must adhere to the floor price discount limit (Refer pricing at clause 1. and clause 2.)
      3. TikTok Shop may offer special vouchers for new users, which are allowed even if they result in prices below the floor price, as these are controlled by TikTok and not the reseller.
      4. TikTok Cashback Bonus, which provides cashback to users, is allowed as it applies to the whole purchases and not specific discount only for Nutri Lick.
    3. Shopee:
      1. Shopee Live sessions that provide targeted DVR, are allowed to provide Seller’s Voucher or Flash Sales or Shopee Live vouchers that resulted in prices below the floor price (Maximum discount of 3% discount from Nutri Lick floor price). To incentivize resellers who conduct engaging Shopee Live sessions while promoting Nutri Lick.
      2. Resellers must ensure that promotional activities such as Shocking Sales that fall under targeted DVR, must adhere to the floor price discount limit (Refer pricing at clause 1. and clause 2.)
      3. Shopee may offer special vouchers for new users, which are allowed even if they result in prices below the floor price, as these are controlled by Shopee and not the reseller.
      4. Shopee Coins redemption for further discounts is allowed as it applies to the whole purchase order and not directly discounting only Nutri Lick.
  4. Consequences of Non-Compliance:
    1. Non-compliance may result in reporting to ecommerce for product removal and followed by cease of product supply.
    2. These terms and conditions will be effective from 15 July 2024.
Thank you
Furvit Pet Industries Sdn Bhd
For your reference, we've recently updated our pricing policy based on MEMORANDUM NO. 3/2024 dated July 15, 2024. You can download the full memo here: